How To Build Nutrition & Fitness

Habits For Long Term Weight Loss

Discover The “Weight Loss” Secrets I Used To Help My Member lose 30+ lbs Without Going To The Gym, Endless Cardio, Or Restrictive Diet...

May 13 - May 17 2024 ( Limited Time Offer )

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Your Trainer Over The Next 5 Days

Your Trainer Over The Next 5 Days

Patrick Liu- Americas #1 Weight Loss Trainer

Patrick Liu is a weight loss coach, nutrition coach, physiotherapist and personal trainer. His new "Weight Loss Formula" has helped over 2000+ Client achieve their weight loss goals so that they could burn off the stubborn belly fat, fit back into their old clothes and have more confidence than they ever thought possible.‍

A message from Patrick:

My mission is to help busy parents lose 20-40 lbs without going to the gym, doing endless cardio or going on a restrictive diet. There is a NEW way to lose weight using my "Weight Loss Formula" to help you build better habits to keep the weight off forever.I have consistently been in the best shape of my life working out less than 2x / week. I still have cheat meals because it's part of my meal plan. I am able to play and run around with my 2 kids everyday because I am in great health and I have so much energy. Now, I want to share everything I’ve learned so that you can have the same health! I challenge you to spend the next 5 days with me and watch how your fitness, nutrition, and habits will absolutely change your life. Thank you for allowing me to help you on your journey.

Members Are Already Getting Incredible Results Using My "5 DAY CHALLENGE"

Lyndsay Lost 20 Pounds

I've been able to create a healthy routine and make time for myself. Meal planning and being able to pick the right foods for me have been huge. With determination and motivation, your fitness goals are achievable with the help of Coach Patrick. I'm extremely happy with the results. I lost 20lbs and lost 2 pant sizes. I look forward to continuing my fitness journey

** Results may vary **

Sarah Lost 20 Pounds

I have built a ton of great habits and learned a lot of lessons being part of the 5 Day Weight Loss Challenge. I"m waking up consistently every morning for my workouts and they are something I look forward to because they give me a ton of energy. I'm making better food choices. You certainly won't regret it!

** Results may vary **

Laureen Lost 15 Pounds

This program totally opened my eyes to the possibility of what is possible with my fitness. I have never felt as good as I do now. I've gained an amazing lifestyle, lost 15lbs, gained confidence, gained strength and feel so happy! Everyone has noticed the changes and I get so many compliments now. I am loving the results and the transformation

** Results may vary **

Here’s What You’ll Experience During My 5 Day Workout Challenge...

Unlike other programs you may have tried where you get a generic workout plan with Zero Coaching, Zero Accountability and Zero Results...

During my 5 Day Workout Challenge

you won’t just learn


to quickly and easily lose the extra weight faster than you thought possible…

You’ll actually

have the motivation to crush your workouts and the discipline to plan your meals because you have a coach with you every step of the way.

Over the next 5 days you will be trained on the best exercises to burn fat, and eliminate any excuses holding you back from the tight and toned body you deserve.

And that means… 

Instead Of Feeling Discouraged Because You Wasted Time and Effort… You’ll Be
Equipped With The Proper Exercise And Nutrition Habits to Lose Weight

Here’s the breakdown…

Day 1 - Weight Loss Workouts

How To Melt Away Belly Fat With Simple 10 Minute Exercises Without Going To the Gym

Day 1 you’ll discover how to maximise workouts that will melt away belly fat.

If you’ve tried to lose stubborn belly weight before and failed, it’s more than likely your workouts had the wrong exercises, wrong duration or wrong intensity level.

And that’s probably because you didn't have someone “looking over your shoulder,” making sure your workouts are as efficient as they can be.

This is where my 5 Day Workout Challenge is unique.

You see, unlike other programs you may have tried where the coach gives you a generic workout plan and tells you to do it on your own, I approach achieving your goal in an easier way.

And that is by simply having a live 1 on 1 coach do the exercises with you step by step.

You go from thinking you're doing the right exercise to knowing you're doing the right exercise.

Your intensity level goes from 50% intensity to 100% intensity.

If this seems like a stretch for you right now …

That will change when you join My 5 Workout Challenge Because....

Day 1, we'll go deep into exercise physiology specific for weight loss... so you can understand exactly the mechanisms of how exercise impacts weight loss.

You'll start to gain strength in muscles you didn't know existed.

By the time week 1 is over you'll have at least mastered 10 belly fat melting exercises to tone your core and tighten your abs.

Day 2 - Weight Loss Meals

How To Prepare Delicious Weight Loss Recipes For The Entire Week In Less Than 30 Minutes Even If You Hate Cooking

Day 2 you’ll discover how to plan and prepare your delicious weight loss meals without starving yourself.

If you've tried to go on a diet before and failed, it's most likely because you had the wrong type of food, the wrong portions, or eating at the wrong time.

And that’s probably because you didn't have a nutrition coach planning your meals with you every single week.

This is where my 5 Day Workout Challenge is unique.

You see, unlike other programs you may have tried where the coach gives you a generic meal plan and tells you to do it on your own, I approach achieving your goal in an easier way.

And that is by simply having a live 1 on 1 coach plan your meals with you.

You go from thinking you're eating the right food to knowing you're eating the right food.

Nutrition is 90% of weight loss.

Even if you don't know how to cook delicious meals, or don't have time to cook delicious meals right now....

That will change when you join My 5 Workout Challenge Because....

Day 2, You'll have a done for you customize meal plan... so that you can finaly enjoy your food and get the results you're looking for.

When Day 2 is over you'll have at least mastered 10 delicious recipes making your family think your a "master chef"

Day 3 - Weight Loss Habits

How To Build Sustainable Weight Loss Habits In 5 Days Even Without Motivation Or Discipline

Day 3, you’ll discover how to build the right weight loss habits to keep the extra pounds off forever.

If you've tried other fitness programs only to gain the extra weight back it's probably because the fitness program wasn't sustainable and did set you up long term with the right habits.

The habits I'm talking about are called "Automatic Habits" which you will learn all about in my 5 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

You see, unlike other programs you may have tried where the coach gives you a list of impossible rules to follow with nutrition and makes you exercise 4 hours everyday which is unsustainable. I have a better approach to weight loss.

It's through the power of accountability and habit building that you know every single day you are on track and making progress towards your weight loss goals.

If you have struggled with consistency and motivation in the past..

That will change when you join My 5 Workout Challenge Because....

Day 3, we'll go dive into the psychology of habit building.. so you understand precisely the step by step formula to building the right weight loss habits.

By the time Day 3 is over you'll have built all the habits necessary to continue your health journey and discover the confidence you have in your dream body.

Day 4 - Core Conditioning

How To Burn Belly Fat and Tone Up Your Core with "Core Conditioning" exercises

Day 4, You will discover how to activat your "core" muscles to burn belly fat like fire burning through logs, melting away the excess and revealing the strong and sturdy core underneath.

It's time to say goodbye to endless crunches that leave you with little to no results and hello to a new workout routine that incorporates my "core conditioning" exercises.

You might be wondering why core conditioning exercises are so important. Well, let me tell you, these exercises work your entire core, including your abs, obliques, lower back, and hips. Not only do they target your belly fat, but they also improve your posture, stability, and overall strength.

The best part? You can do them anywhere, without any equipment. That's right, no more expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment needed. All you need is your body and a willingness to improve.

I understand that most people struggle with toning up their core. It's not always easy to find the time or energy to commit to a consistent workout routine. But don't worry, I've got you covered.

By the end of Day 4, you'll have my secret "Core Conditioning" exercises that you can easily do anywhere, anytime, with zero equipment.

So, are you ready to activate your core muscles, burn belly fat, and reveal a stronger, sturdier core? Let's do this together!

Day 5 - Weight Loss Results

How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss Results In Just 5 Quick Days

Day 5, You'll discover what it takes to acheive the long term permanent weight loss results you have been searching for.

With my " Weight Loss formula" you will walk away with a blueprint on how to continue everything you have learned over the last 5 days to continue to execute the plan to perfection.

Unlike other programs where you lose some weight but after a few months you gain it back more weight and even faster...

With the right workouts, the right nutrition, the right habits, just watch the weight continue to melt off week and week until you find yourself walking down the beach with confidence in your swim suit.

Thats is why hundreds of my members after they graduate my 5 Day Workout Challenge continue to achieve long-lasting weight loss results.

Join the hundreds of members who have transformed their bodies and minds with my 5 Day Workout Challenge and take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals and living a healthier, happier life.


Join Today & Get Instant Access To The Private Whatsapp Membership Group

Inside the 5 Day Workout Challenge Whatsapp group you can:

  • Receive exclusive bonus video and live training from Patrick Liu ONLY in the Facebook Group

  • Get On-Demand Coaching and have all your questions answered

  • Hear feedback, get insights, and share success wins with your 5 Day Challengers

Master This Formula To Quickly And Easily Lose More Weight Without A Gym Or A Diet....

The Weight Loss Formula is:




Melt Away Belly Fat With Simple 10 Minute Exercises Without Going To the Gym

Delicious Weight Loss Recipes For The Entire Week In Less Than 30 Minutes

Sustainable Weight Loss Habits In 5 Days Even Without Motivation Or Discipline

No obligations, no contracts, 100% FREE

Will You Be Our Next SUCCESS STORY?


Vancouver Personal Training


Transforming Lives Through Fitness

Is it really free? How do you make money?

Yes it's absolutely free. You don't need to buy supplements or fitness equipment. There is no deposit. I won't be asking for credit cards and there is no commitment after the 5 days. The only catch is if you see value in my program leave me a 5 star review and tell your family and friends about my 5 Day Workout Challenge. If you absolutely love my program and want to continue its $40/ week but there is no commitment after 5 days.

How much does it cost after the 21 days?

Depends on your weight loss goal. The more weight you have to lose the longer your program. Losing 10lbs, we recommend a 2-month program. Losing 15-30lbs - we recommend a 4-month program. losing over 30+ lbs we recommend a 6-month program. Our program starts at $40/week. After your first 21 day trial, we will figure out the best program that fits your budget.

Whats included in the Free 5 Day Workout Challenge?

You have the option to go through my 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge on your own or with me as your Coach. ( Both are Free for 21 Days )

Do it yourself- You will be assigned a workout plan, & meal plan to follow with video instructions everyday.

1 on 1 Coaching- I will be giving you a total of four(4), 30 minute coaching sessions.

Session 1- One-on-One Orientation. I will be going over your fitness goals and creating a customised plan for you over the next 21 days.

Sessions 2- Weight Loss Workouts. We will be training you through a live video zoom call and I'll be going through step by step all the different exercises with you.

Session 3- Weight Loss Meals. We will be planning our meals together for the week and I'll be giving you specific recipes based on what you like to eat.

Session 4- Weight Loss Habits. We will be going over strategies on how to make fitness and nutrition a habit and lifestyle to keep the weight loss forever.

What if I don't lose weight on your program?

The only time you fail is when you give up. Weight loss is not magic... it's a science. Over the last 5 years, I have developed my "Weight Loss Transformation Formula" to help members lose weight and break through any weight loss plateau. If you follow my proven formula there is ZERO chance of failure and if you don't see results I will train you again for free until you do.

I don't have a lot of time. Is it hard to follow?

I love coaching busy individuals because busy people always get things done. During our 1 on 1 coaching session, I'll design a customised workout & nutrition plan that fits your busy schedule.

How many days do I have to workout?

I recommend training 2-3 times/week, and doing your homework exercises daily. To lose weight permanently we need to build automatic habits that stick. The quickest way to build healthy habits is by incorporating it into your daily routine.

Who is this program for?

My 5 Day Workout Challenge is specific for people who want to lose weight and struggle with building fitness and nutrition habits. Most of my members are young professionals who work long hours seated at a desk job, busy parents who are working and taking care of young children and men/women who have health conditions that make it difficult to lose weight. ( Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hormonal imbalances )

How fast will I lose weight?

Our average clients lose 1-2lbs / week. Our high achieving clients lose about 3-4 lbs / week. It also depends on your age, gender, metabolism, hormones, coachability and ability to follow the program.

What if I am vegetarian/vegan/lactose intolerant?

It's not uncommon to be vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant. In fact, everyone has different eating preferences, based on culture, eating habits, schedule, and lifestyle. There is no one-size meal plan that fits all. That is why I customise my meal plans so that you can enjoy your meals. If you enjoy your food, you will stick to your meal plan long-term so that you can lose the weight and keep it off forever.

Do I need a restrictive calorie-counting diet to lose weight?

No. We don't believe in diets or counting calories. If you "go" on a diet you will go "off" of a diet and gain the weight back. Food should be enjoyed. Although calorie counting can be useful if you are a professional athlete or training for a sporting competition. Most of the time, tracking your calories can be confusing, annoying or trigger anxiety. We believe in teaching our clients proper portioning, balanced meals and food timing.

What/When should I eat to lose weight?

It depends on your food preferences, culture, lifestyle and schedule. There is no 1 size fit all meal plan. I will be design a customised meal plan so that you can enjoy your meals and lose weight

What is the best exercise for weight loss?

The best exercise is something you can do consistently and safely. Too often we do exercises we hate or exercises that are too complicated. I will design a personalised workout plan that fits your fitness level, body type and goals.

Where are you located? Is it online?

I live in Vancouver Canada and have been training members online across North America over the last 5+ years. I am honoured to be called America's #1 Weight Loss Trainer with hundreds of 5-star reviews and testimonials.

Can you design an at-home training program or do I have to go to the gym?

No, you don't have to go to the gym. In fact most of my member train at home with simple equipment. We want to make exercises something that you can sustainably do long term. Exercise is not a phase but a lifestyle.

Patrick Liu |

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